Sinus Lift
Post op instructions for sinus lift
- No nose blowing for 3 weeks following your procedure. If you need to clear your nose of dried or moist secretions use a clean new bottle of saline nasal spray and spray 2 sprays toward the ear and breathe in deeply. Use a tissue to clean the debris in the front of the nose. Do not use one you have had in the medicine cabinet as these can contaminated with bacteria. Use breathright strips to help alleviate congestion that may occur especially in the winter months with the heater.
- Smoking: Avoid cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoking during the healing phase (3 weeks).
- Sneeze out of your mouth. Avoid stopping a sneeze. Let it out of your mouth. The back pressure from stopping a sneeze can alter the graft.
- Activity: Avoid bending over, blowing up balloons, playing musical instruments that require blowing action, lifting heavy objects, bearing down or straining, scuba diving, flying, rigourous activity or sports for 3 weeks. Light walking or eliptical is okay after pain medicine is stopped.
- Hygiene: It is so important to keep your mouth clean as you would a wound on your arm or leg. Never place your finger or tongue on the surgical site. Start warm salt water rinses the night of or the following morning after your surgery. Combine 8 oz of clean warm water with 1/2 teaspoon of table salt. Rinse 4-5 times a day after meals gently. Brush teeth gently in the direction the teeth grow (down on the top and up on the bottom) with a ultra soft manual toothbrush on the night of surgery or the first post-operative day. Continue this 2x a day. Avoid brushing the gums or in the area of the incision. If it hurts back off some. Avoid flossing in the surgical area for one week.
- Diet: Drink plenty of liquids and stay hydrated. Avoid sugary drinks if possible and certainly if diabetic. Never chew on the graft site and avoid the graft side if only one side was worked on or grafted. Stick to soft foods until directed otherwise by your oral surgeon.
- Appliances: All removable appliances (TMJ splints, orthodontic retainers, partial denture, or complete dentures) should be checked to see if they contact the surgical site prior to being worn. If there is any question, please avoid until you can see your doctor for this.
- Swelling/ bruising: Swelling and bruising is expected and can be quite large with this procedure due to the large flap that may have been created to expose the sinus. Swelling should peak at 3 days and start to subside over the first week. If a product called rh-BMP was used this will create late extreme swelling on post op day 2-3. If there is any fever, drainage, or any concern please call our office. You can apply ice to the face 20 on and 20 off or as tolerated while away.
- Bleeding: Bleeding should stop by the night of surgery. Firm pressure will help with this but should only be used in extreme circumstances if the bleeding is coming from the grafted site. Feel free to bite firmly if the bleeding is from another non-grafted surgical site like a tooth extraction away from the grafted area. Try placing a moist tea bag on the site first to see if this helps with slowing of the bleeding. If profuse continue bleeding continues please give us a call. Remember patients taking blood thinners will take longer for the oozing to stop but if concerned please call our office or seek medical attention.
- Take all medications as directed: You will likely have been prescribed an antibiotic. If not please call our office if you were not or have lost your prescription. Take all antibiotics until gone unless directed by your doctor or are having serious side effects. If so, please call our office so we may determine if you need to continue these.
- Congestion: Please take sudafed behind the counter as indicated for congestion as long as not contraindicated by your physician or package insert. If that is the case please let us know so we can determine if you need an alternative medication. Afrin can be used for nasal obstruction for up to 3 days as long as it is not contraindicated by package insert or your physician. Longer use may cause a rebound dependency.
- Fever: If you have a temperature greater than 100.4 please call our office as this may be a sign of infection related to your surgery. Tylenol over the counter can alleviate this but remember that the maximum daily allowance is now 3000 mg and some of your pain medicine may contain tylenol as well. Fever and drainage from the surgical site can be sign of infection and please call for an appointment.
- Pain: Pain is expected after the numbness wears off. You may find ibuprofen is all that is necessary if it is not contraindicated by your physician or the package insert. You can also stagger this with the pain medication to improve the period and intensity of pain relief. Some will take 400mg ibuprofen, then in 2 hours take 1/2-1 whole pain pill, then repeat the ibuprofen, etc… while others find taking it at the same time will work as well.
- Follow up: We will usually see you at 2-3 weeks post operatively unless directed otherwise by your doctor. Please call if you were not given a post op appointment. If you have any concerns prior to your scheduled post op appointment please call our office and we will see you sooner.